Hello Gentleman and Ladies!
My name is Roxy and I am so excited to meet you.
My World is dedicated to healing.I have been a devotee to the craft of massage therapy for years. Therapy is therapy, no matter which form it is presented. In terms of healing, people seek qualified individuals who can objectively connect to your emotional and/or physical ailments. You may need someone to talk to or you may need someone who is adept at muscle therapy and full body detox. Whether physical or emotional, my method of therapy can may include both in one session , depending on what you are looking for. Individuals have to look at how stress may be affecting their daily lives. Understandably not ever person looks for counselling as a way to unpack the burdens of life. There are those of you who seek help from a more physical environment. This may combine full body healing with mental wellness needs addressed in one session.
The objective is to leave a client in a state of satisfaction and revival. There are miracle chemicals hardwired into the brain that are released in after “feel good” experiences. These chemicals are known as dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin and a refuelling of serotonin stores. If you are familiar with the physical feel of elation after an intense workout then you understand what I am talking about.
Physical interaction is as important as deep meaningful conversation. But do not get me wrong, some clients want nothing more than total silence with the emphasis on the muscle therapy alone. Each to his own. I am as mailable as clay and can present myself in many ways. I can be as soft as a feather or firm and controlled.
Cape Town is so special. It is a place of refuge and peace. Foreigners and locals alike have found the Cape Town experience to be a true escape