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A Surprising Place For A Couples Massage

enjoy a couples massage at coolest spa in south africa

If you have been contemplating a couples massage, we have a surprise for you. One of the best places to get one is this swingers club in Cape Town. Our statement will probably surprise you. Please allow us to explain:

Unlike most massage studios in South Africa, the EPICURE CLUB is focused on couples. This focus not only influences the mindset of the management and massage therapists, but also the layout and interior design of the venue. This boutique hotel & spa has their nicest suite dedicated to couples massages. Every couple gets to indulge in this experience on a king size bed. The suite also features a walk-in-shower for two and a large freestanding bath tub, which can accommodate you, your partner and a masseuse. In front of the suite is a 6-person jacuzzi which is heated to 42 C. Needless to say, you can enjoy the jacuzzi as part of your massage experience.

Even though the venue offers experiences with one female therapist, two female therapists or a mixed team of female and male massage therapists, we understand that they typically recommend a 90-minute experience with one masseuse. This is especially the case, if you and your partner are enjoying such an experience for the first time.

If you like their concept, contact 074 948 0000 and let them know you learned about them at the Erotic Massage Directory.

Comments ( 1 )

Thank you for this tip. My wife and I had a fabulous experience. Masseuse Delilah is very intuitive. Highly recommended!

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